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Shipping & Order processing

We ship from Manchester, UK.

We process orders within 1 working days (excluding weekends and holidays).

Successfully placed orders will receive an e-mail confirmation with the order details. If you do not receive an e-mail, please check your spam filter or contact us for confirmation.

If you need any assistance with your order, please contact us immediately at We will not be able to amend your order after it has been shipped.

Please review and ensure you have provided a correct shipping address. We are not responsible for non-delivery due to errors in the address you have provided. If an order has been returned due to an incorrect address, we will refund the original order amount and ask you to resubmit your order.

As soon as we dispatch your order, you will receive a shipment confirmation email with the delivery information and a relevant number to track your order online. 

Please note that we ship all UK orders with Hermes and DHL (large rugs). It can take some days before the tracking information is uploaded.

Track your order

Aenean pulvinar molestie augue, sed sollicitudin erat eleifend vel. Duis a condimentum turpis, eget varius orci. Integer suscipit at tellus a ullamcorper.

Phasellus a lacinia urna, a pharetra erat. Phasellus rhoncus lorem mi, nec tincidunt neque imperdiet nec. Phasellus vel euismod nisl, vitae pretium mi. Pellentesque luctus tincidunt lacus id pellentesque.

  • Integer fringilla sem a urna accumsan, eget euismod massa volutpat.
  • Aliquam ac sodales orci, non tempor tellus.
  • Maecenas rutrum magna dui, quis placerat nisl varius ut.
  • Praesent ut ligula vel ex elementum euismod.
  • Pellentesque tristique eros convallis quam pharetra lacinia.
  • Proin quis massa risus.
  • Suspendisse molestie leo sapien, at convallis risus rhoncus sit amet.